How to Unlock Every Title in Diablo 4

April 2021 · 4 minute read
ResourcefulSalvagerSalvage a common, magic, rare, and legendary item.ApprenticeArmorerUpgrade a piece of armor.IronSmithUpgrade a weapon.DiligentMinerCollect 500 Iron Ore and 175 Silver Ore.ArdentHerbalistCollect 250 Gallowvine and 75 other uncommon and common herbs.CuttingSkinnerCollect 250 Rawhide and 100 Superior Leather.FerociousTrackerGather 100 of each Monster Part.NoviceJewelerUpgrade a piece of Jewelry.PreparedHarvesterCollect every common, uncommon, and rare crafting material.LegendaryScavengerGather all legendary crafting materials.ThoroughFloristGather an Angelbreath and a Fiend Rose.CrystallineBlessingExtract an Aspect Crystal from a legendary item.EssentialPowerImprint and item at the Occultist with an Aspect.PotentialAlchemistUpgrade your Healing Potion.FragrantPerfumerCraft an incense.BubblyBrewerCraft an elixir.AromaticSageCraft every type of incense.ConsummateBrewmasterCraft every type of elixir.DrunkenApothecaryFully upgrade your Healing Potion.DistilledMysteryComplete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any elixir.LiminalVaporComplete a Nightmare Dungeon under the effects of any incense.CleverTinkerAdd a socket to any item.BlueAdventurerEquip a Magic or higher quality item in every slot.AmberWayfarerEquip a Rare or higher quality item in every slot.LegendaryHeroEquip a Legendary or higher quality item in every slot.HastyCombatantKill 15 monsters within 3 seconds.QuickKillerKill 3 elite monsters within 30 seconds.AgileDelverComplete a Dungeon within 2 minutes.CovetousThiefPick up 1,500 gold within 30 seconds.MurmuringGamblerCollect 100,000 Obols.RenaissanceGuardianReach Level 100 with every class.FleetFoeKill 30 monsters within 5 seconds.BelligerentRavagerKill 45 monsters within 8 seconds.AvidHunterKill one of each wildlife.PeerlessExemplarUnlock 100 paragon nodes.ExaltedParagonFully upgrade a paragon glyph.RuinousVandalDestroy 50 objects within 60 seconds.FracturedRansackerCollect all Legendary Aspects in Fractured Peaks.GlenMenaceCollect all Legendary Aspects in Scosglen.DryDungeoneerCollect all Legendary Aspects in Dry Steppes.DesertDredgerCollect all Legendary Aspects in Kehjistan.MarshMarauderCollect all Legendary Aspects in Hawezar.HallowedIconoclastComplete the Cathedral of Light.FallenSinnerComplete the Fallen Temple.FoolishCollectorPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas.TidalTycoonPick up 500 Cinders in Helltide areas.HellishBaronPick up 1000 Cinders in Helltide areas.AccomplishedCohortReach Level 50 with every class in Hardcore Mode.EmbattledExplorerCompleted a Sacred Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore Mode.TormentedPhantomComplete an Ancestral Nightmare Dungeon in Hardcore Mode.GiantSacrificeComplete a Silent Offering in Hardcore Mode.CrimsonConnoisseurPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide zones in Hardcore Mode.MurderousRatGet 1 PvP kill in Hardcore Mode.MaliciousVillainGet 5 PvP kills in Hardcore Mode.SweatyMurdererGet 10 PvP kills in Hardcore Mode.VainVictorKill Astaroth in Hardcore Mode.AnguishedAssailantKill Andariel in Hardcore Mode.PainedProtectorKill Duriel in Hardcore Mode.SuccubusSupplanterKill Lilith in Hardcore Mode.WorldlyChallengerKill a World Boss in Hardcore Mode.CompleteConquerorKill every World Boss in Hardcore Mode.CharnelChefKill The Butcher in Hardcore Mode.BrashBraggartReach Level 25 in Hardcore Mode.DauntlessHeroReach Level 50 in Hardcore Mode.TemperedChampionReach Level 50 in Hardcore Mode.BoldBelieverUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon Nodes in Hardcore Mode.DirtyBanditKill 1000 Bandits.MadBrigandKill 5000 Bandits.CallousBlackguardKill 10,000 Bandits.HungryBruteKill 1000 Cannibals.RavenousGluttonKill 5000 Cannibals.InsatiableButcherKill 10,000 Cannibals.DevotedAcolyteKill 1000 Cultists.DarkZealotKill 5000 Cultists.ProfaneHereticKill 10,000 Cultists.LittleImpKill 1000 Fallen.WickedDevilKill 5000 Fallen.CacklingFiendKill 10,000 Fallen.SteadfastSlayerKill 1000 Demons.FaithfulExorcistKill 5000 Demons.SanctifiedHoradrimKill 10,000 Demons.RustedWretchKill 1000 Drowned.SaltyMarinerKill 5000 Drowned.DrownedPirateKill 10,000 Drowned.LonelyEchoKill 1000 Ghosts.VengefulGhostKill 5000 Ghosts.TorturedWraithKill 10,000 Ghosts.FoulGoatKill 1000 Goatmen.VileShamanKill 5000 Goatmen.HornedAbominationKill 10,000 Goatmen.BraveSquireKill 1000 Knights.RighteousKnightKill 5000 Knights.VictoriousCommanderKill 10,000 Knights.GraveBreakerKill 1000 Skeletons.GrimUndertakerKill 5000 Skeletons.LaughingSkullKill 10,000 Skeletons.SlinkingCharmerKill 1000 Snakes.WindingStrikerKill 5000 Snakes.FangedScourgeKill 10,000 Snakes.StampingBootsKill 1000 Spiders.SilkenSpiderKill 5000 Spiders.VenomousNemesisKill 10,000 Spiders.NocturnalCreatureKill 1000 Vampires.AshenAristocratKill 5000 Vampires.BloodsoakedImmortalKill 10,000 Vampires.DoggedStalkerKill 1000 Werewolves.ViciousClawKill 5000 Werewolves.SilverBaneKill 10,000 Werewolves.RisenFearKill 1000 Zombies.ShamblingDreadKill 5000 Zombies.NecroticHorrorKill 10,000 Zombies.TerrifyingTeamComplete a Sacred Nightmare Dungeon while in a party.ApexComradeComplete an Ancestral Nightmare Dungeon while in a party.VitreousBandDefeat Lilith while in a party.WhisperingChorusComplete a Whisper while in a party.UnbrokenArmorerPick up 100 Cinders in Helltide areas while in a party.EventfulCoordinatorComplete a World Event while in a party.IntenseVanquisherComplete a Legion Event while in a party.BossyBrigadierDefeat a World Boss while in a party.SharpUnderdogGet 1 PvP kill.SerialPredatorGet 25 PvP kills.UnflaggingCutthroatGet 100 PvP kills.EquestrianOpportunistUnlock access to mounts.UnholyNightmareKill an extremely rare monster.LuckyCommonerClaim an Altar of Lilith.SeasonedDrifterConquer 1 Stronghold.LethalLoutComplete a World Event with Mastery.JourneyedKindredVisit each region in Sanctuary.EquippedJockeyAcquire Mount Armor and a Trophy.CrushingDominanceKill a World Boss.TitanTopplerKill every World Boss.HolyTerrorKill 10 different extremely rare monsters.MercilessPursuerKill every extremely rare monster.ApprenticeTravelerComplete a Whisper.BewitchingReaperComplete every type of Whisper.BitterMercyComplete a Silent Offering for the Tree of Whispers.CommittedAspirantComplete 25 Silent Offerings.DedicatedDevoteeComplete 100 Silent Offerings.BejeweledBountyRetrieve each type of cache from the Tree of Whispers.WilySeekerClaim all Altars of Lilith in one region.TreasureHoarderClaim all Altars of Lilith.BarrelingSurveyorConquer a Stronghold in each region.ScarredShieldComplete all Strongholds.TimelessTyrantComplete 100 World Events with Mastery.LocalLegendComplete 300 World Events with Mastery.UpstartFoolComplete a Legion Event.TraveledShepardComplete a Legion Event in each region.TheBearComplete all Ally of the Bear Tribe quests.PaleHarbingerComplete the ‘To Walk a Dark Path’ questline.HonoredChieftanReach Level 50 as a Barbarian.ParagonBarbarianUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Barbarian.SacredElderReach level 50 as a Druid.ParagonDruidUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Druid.AnointedDeathspeakerReach level 50 as a Necromancer.ParagonNecromancerUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Necromancer.SightlessSpectreReach level 50 as a Rogue.ParagonRogueUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Rogue.TranscendedMasterReach level 50 as a Sorcerer.ParagonSorcererUnlock 2 Legendary Paragon nodes as a Sorcerer.
