Rocket League Season 2 Rank Changes Detailed

September 2020 · 2 minute read

After many months we are finally coming to the end of Rocket League Season 1. This season was a bit rocky, as ranking issues cropped up and weren’t able to be dealt with too much without impacting the overall experience. However, with the transition into Season 2 Psyonix is taking this opportunity to revamp the ranking system found in Rocket League in a number of ways.

We previously went over the rewards that players will get once this season ends some time in February, so click here to check those out. As for the changes, Psyonix listened to the Rocket League community’s feedback throughout the first season and have incorporated it all into this latest upcoming update.

“The aim of Season 2 is to de-emphasize the importance of single wins or losses and put the focus where it belongs — consistently playing well and improving your game over time (not stressing over individual losses).”

They also provide a list of these changes: “To start, we’ve renamed ranked play “Competitive Matchmaking,” which will be tagged in the Playlists menu to differentiate them from casual matchmaking. In addition to the fresh playlists tags, we’re also removing Rank Points for Season 2. In the new season, all Divisions are based on your Skill Rating to remove the confusion of two points systems. We have replaced the ten Season 1 Divisions (Bronze I/II/III, Silver I/II/III, Gold I/II/III, and Platinum) with 12 new ones, especially tailored to Rocket League.”

Those new ranks are: Prospect 1-3, Prospect Elite, Challenger 1-3, Challenger Elite, Rising Star, All-Star, Superstar, and Champion. Ranks will get a soft-reset going into season 2, with your current division placement having a large effect, along with ten placement matches you’ll play at the beginning of the season.

One really great change is that you’ll no longer risk losing your current rank, just by losing a single game. “Promotion and Demotion between divisions works differently than before. You will be promoted into a division after your skill has risen consistently to the next division up. Once promoted, you won’t risk immediate demotion for losing a game or two.” As someone with a 701 Gold I rank at the moment, this is excellent to hear.
